sprig/patches/debian.yml: SUCCESS in 3m55s
[feat: move collapse children button out of overflow menu][0] from [Thom Dickson][1]
[0]: https://lists.sr.ht/~whereswaldon/arbor-dev/patches/21829
[1]: mailto:td3of4@gmail.com
✓ #478468 SUCCESS sprig/patches/debian.yml https://builds.sr.ht/~whereswaldon/job/478468
Hi Thom,
Thanks for submitting this! I have verified locally that it does what I expect,
and I think it looks (visually) great! However, I think we can probably do
something a bit different with the implementation.
If you look here:
you can see that this is a SimpleIconButton, but we customize its foreground
color at layout time by checking a (in the case global) variable. We could use
a similar approach to this to choose the icon we use as part of the Layout
function of the overflow button. It makes the icon change instantly (when the
status of the node changes to/from being an anchor) instead of requiring the
context menu to be re-triggered.
Technically, what I'm proposing is less efficient, as we choose the icon each
frame instead of once per display-of-menu, but that overhead is negligible,
and I think it's easy to understand if written that way.
Does what I'm proposing make sense to you?