frontends/discord.rkt | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
info.rkt | 3 +-
scribblings/r16.scrbl | 14 +++++++-
3 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
diff --git a/frontends/discord.rkt b/frontends/discord.rkt
index 9923cbe..532217a 100644
--- a/frontends/discord.rkt
+++ b/frontends/discord.rkt
@@ -33,6 +33,13 @@
(define (message-author-id message)
(hash-ref (hash-ref message 'author) 'id))
+(define-syntax-rule (thread-loop body ...)
+ (thread
+ (thunk
+ (let loop ()
+ body ...
+ (loop)))))
(define discord-frontend%
(class* object% [r16-frontend<%>]
(init-field client)
@@ -70,13 +77,10 @@
(http:trigger-typing-indicator client channel)))
(define _typing-thread
- (thread
- (thunk
- (let loop ()
- (for ([(channel _) (unbox counters-box)])
- (trigger-typing channel))
- (sleep 5)
- (loop)))))
+ (thread-loop
+ (for ([(channel _) (unbox counters-box)])
+ (trigger-typing channel))
+ (sleep 5)))
(lambda (proc)
(define channel (hash-ref (current-message) 'channel_id))
@@ -86,30 +90,33 @@
(thunk (change-counter channel -1))))))
(define deleter-thread
- (thread
- (thunk
- (let loop ()
- (match-let ([(cons client message) (thread-receive)])
- (with-handlers ([exn:fail:network? identity])
- (http:delete-message
- client
- (hash-ref message 'channel_id)
- (hash-ref message 'id)))
- (loop))))))
+ (thread-loop
+ (match-let ([(cons client message) (thread-receive)])
+ (with-handlers ([exn:fail:network? identity])
+ (http:delete-message
+ client
+ (hash-ref message 'channel_id)
+ (hash-ref message 'id))))))
(define emote-image-thread
- (thread
- (thunk
- (let loop ()
- (let ([message (thread-receive)])
- ; TODO this only uses PNG, racket-cord needs to expose an animated field on emoji
- (channel-put (cdr message)
- (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (const #f)])
- (~> (~a "https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/" (car message) ".png?v=1")
- string->url
- get-pure-port
- port->bytes))))
- (loop)))))
+ (thread-loop
+ (let ([message (thread-receive)])
+ ; TODO this only uses PNG, racket-cord needs to expose an animated field on emoji
+ (channel-put (cdr message)
+ (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (const #f)])
+ (~> (~a "https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/" (car message) ".png?v=1")
+ string->url
+ get-pure-port
+ port->bytes))))))
+ (define open-attachment-thread
+ (thread-loop
+ (match-define (list url cust chan) (thread-receive))
+ (define port
+ (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (const #f)])
+ (parameterize ([current-custodian cust])
+ (get-pure-port url))))
+ (channel-put chan port)))
(define current-message (make-parameter #f))
@@ -149,6 +156,7 @@
(define/public (get-enrich-context)
(define message (current-message))
(define message-contents (hash-ref message 'content))
+ (define message-attachments (or (hash-ref message 'attachments #f) null))
(define message-author (message-author-id message))
(define/contract (emote-image id)
@@ -171,6 +179,22 @@
(-> bytes? (or/c string? bytes?) (or/c symbol? string? bytes?) http:attachment?)
(http:attachment data (~a type) name))
+ (define attachment-count (length message-attachments))
+ (define/contract (open-attachment [index 0])
+ (->* () (exact-nonnegative-integer?) (or/c input-port? #f))
+ (let/cc return
+ (define chan (make-channel))
+ (when (>= index attachment-count)
+ (return #f))
+ (define attachment (list-ref message-attachments index))
+ #; ;; is an attachment size cap necessary?
+ (when (> (hash-ref attachment 'size) OPEN_ATTACHMENT_MAX_SIZE_BYTES)
+ (return #f))
+ (define attachment-url (string->url (hash-ref attachment 'proxy_url)))
+ (thread-send open-attachment-thread (list attachment-url (current-custodian) chan))
+ (channel-get chan)))
(define (storage-info type)
(match type
['guild (cons 65536 'global)]
@@ -214,6 +238,7 @@
(read-storage . ,(read-storage trick-obj))
(write-storage . ,(write-storage trick-obj))
(attachment-data . ,http:attachment-data)
+ (open-attachment . ,open-attachment)
,@(car base))
,@(cdr base))))
diff --git a/info.rkt b/info.rkt
index f0301b0..0ff3f17 100644
--- a/info.rkt
+++ b/info.rkt
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
(define build-deps '("racket-doc"
- "scribble-lib"))
+ "scribble-lib"
+ "threading-doc"))
(define test-omit-paths '("presentation"))
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/r16.scrbl" ())))
diff --git a/scribblings/r16.scrbl b/scribblings/r16.scrbl
index a55282e..35d39b8 100644
--- a/scribblings/r16.scrbl
+++ b/scribblings/r16.scrbl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#lang scribble/manual
-@(require (for-label racket/base))
+@(require (for-label racket/base (only-in racket/math natural?) racket/contract))
@title{R16 -- Community-Driven Interactive Code Evaluation}
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ The @tt{frontend} object in the configuration file can have the following keys a
@subsection{Trick Environment Extensions}
In additional to the bindings described above, the following items are available in the
trick environment.
@@ -143,3 +144,14 @@ A trick's "trick-local storage" can be per-guild, per-channel, or per-user; each
This will always be a no-op when invoked from the eval command.
+@defproc[(attachment-data [attachment any/c]) bytes?]{
+Get the payload of an attachment created with @racket[make-attachment].
+@defproc[(open-attachment [index natural? 0]) (or/c input-port? #f)]{
+Opens the @racket[index]th attachment of the message as an input port.
+Returns @racket[#f] if the message doesn't have an @racket[index]th attachment, or
+if the attachment couldn't be opened for any other reason.