
r16: Prototype HTTP frontend v2 SUPERSEDED

eutro: 2
 Prototype HTTP frontend
 Generalize backend, improve HTTP frontend UI

 8 files changed, 471 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)
#684120 linux_buildtest.yml success
r16/patches/linux_buildtest.yml: SUCCESS in 1m49s

[Prototype HTTP frontend][0] v2 from [eutro][1]

[0]: https://lists.sr.ht/~williewillus/public-inbox/patches/28865
[1]: mailto:benedek.szilvasy@gmail.com

✓ #684120 SUCCESS r16/patches/linux_buildtest.yml https://builds.sr.ht/~williewillus/job/684120
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[PATCH r16 v2 1/2] Prototype HTTP frontend Export this patch

 backend.rkt        |  12 ++--
 frontends/http.rkt | 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 interface.rkt      |   4 +-
 3 files changed, 184 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 frontends/http.rkt

diff --git a/backend.rkt b/backend.rkt
index 17ecd92..d7bb465 100644
--- a/backend.rkt
@@ -110,11 +110,11 @@
    (define/public (register name code author timestamp)
        [(zero? (string-length code))
         (~a "Trick " name " needs a body!")]
         (cons 'err (~a "Trick " name " needs a body!"))]
          db (current-context-id) name
          (thunk (trick author code timestamp (make-hash) 0)))
         (~a "Successfully registered trick " name "!")]
         (cons 'ok (~a "Successfully registered trick " name "!"))]
        [else (update name code)]))

    (define/public (update name code)
@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@
      (define frontend (current-frontend))
        [(not trick-obj)
         (~a "Trick " name " doesn't exist!")]
         (cons 'err (~a "Trick " name " doesn't exist!"))]
        [(zero? (string-length code))
         (~a "Trick " name " needs a body!")]
         (cons 'err (~a "Trick " name " needs a body!"))]
          db ctx-id name
          (lambda (trick-obj)
@@ -136,7 +136,9 @@
                   (trick-invocations trick-obj)))
          (lambda (t)
            (send frontend can-modify? t)))
         (~a "Successfully updated trick " name "!")]))
         (cons 'ok (~a "Successfully updated trick " name "!"))]
         (cons 'err (~a "You cannot modify trick " name "!"))]))

    (define/public (lookup name)
      (db:get-trick db (current-context-id) name))
diff --git a/frontends/http.rkt b/frontends/http.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5374066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontends/http.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
#lang racket/base

 (prefix-in ev: "../evaluator.rkt")


(provide r16-make-frontend)

(struct image (bytes))

(define http-frontend
  (class* object% [r16-frontend<%>]
    (init-field port)

    (define mutex (make-semaphore 1))
    (define current-hashed (make-parameter #f))
    (define/public (response? v) (image? v))
    (define/public (get-enrich-context)
      (define (enrich-context base _trick _args _parent-ctx)
        (define (make-image png-bytes)
          (image png-bytes))
        `(((make-image . ,make-image)
           ,@(car base))
          ,@(cdr base)))
    (define/public (can-modify? trick)
      (equal? (trick-author trick) (current-hashed)))
    (define/public (start)
      (define (handle-request req)
        (define req-uri (request-uri req))
        (define path (takef (url-path req-uri) (compose1 non-empty-string? path/param-path)))
        (match* [(request-method req) path]
          [[#"POST" (list (path/param "tricks" _)
                          (path/param "submit" _))]
           (define bindings (request-bindings/raw req))
           (match* [(bindings-assq #"name" bindings)
                    (bindings-assq #"code" bindings)
                    (bindings-assq #"password" bindings)]
             [[(binding:form _ (and name-bytes
                                    (pregexp "^[a-zA-Z_\\-0-9]+$")
                                    (app bytes->string/utf-8 name)))
               (binding:form _ (app bytes->string/utf-8 code))
               (binding:form _ password)]
              ;; yeah, it's not secure at all
                (define hashed (bytes->hex-string (sha256-bytes (bytes-append (sha256-bytes name-bytes) password))))
                (match (parameterize ([current-hashed hashed])
                         (send (current-backend) register name code hashed (number->string (current-seconds))))
                  [(cons 'ok _)
                    303 #"See Other"
                    (current-seconds) TEXT/HTML-MIME-TYPE
                    (list (make-header #"Location" (string->bytes/utf-8 (format "/tricks/~a.rkt" name))))
                    (list #"Redirecting..."))]
                  [(cons 'err msg)
                    400 #"Bad Request"
                    (current-seconds) TEXT/HTML-MIME-TYPE
                    (list (string->bytes/utf-8 msg)))])))]
             [[_ _ _]
               400 #"Bad Request"
               (current-seconds) TEXT/HTML-MIME-TYPE
               (list #"400 Bad Request"))])]
          [[#"GET" (list (path/param "tricks" _))]
           (define popular (send (current-backend) popular))
            `(html (head (title "Tricks"))
                   (body (div
                          (h2 "Add trick")
                           ((action "/tricks/submit")
                            (method "post")
                            (enctype "multipart/form-data"))
                           (label ((for "name")) "Name: ")
                           (input ((type "text") (id "name") (name "name")))
                           (label ((for "password")) "Password: ")
                           (input ((type "password") (id "password") (name "password")))
                            ((style "color:red;"))
                            "None of this is very secure at all, so under no circumstances should you use a password you use elsewhere.")
                           (label ((for "code")) "Code: ")
                            ((id "code")
                             (name "code")
                             (rows "5")
                             (cols "60")
                             (placeholder "Enter text")
                             (spellcheck "false")))
                           (input ((type "submit") (value "Add")))))
                          (h1 "Registered tricks")
                           ,@(for/list ([t (in-list popular)])
                               (define n (car t))
                                 " ("
                                 (a ((href ,(format "/tricks/~a.rkt" n))) "src")
                                 ") "
                                  ((action ,(format "/tricks/~a" n))
                                   (method "get")
                                   (style "display:inline;"))
                                  (input ((type "text") (name "args")))
                                  (input ((type "submit") (value "Call")))))))))))]
          [[#"GET" (list (path/param "tricks" _)
                         (path/param (pregexp "^([a-zA-Z_\\-0-9]+)\\.rkt$" (list trick-file-name trick-name)) _))]
           (define trick-v (send (current-backend) lookup trick-name))
            `(html (head (title ,trick-file-name))
                   (body (pre ,(trick-body trick-v)))))]
          [[#"GET" (list (path/param "tricks" _)
                         (path/param (pregexp "^[a-zA-Z_\\-0-9]+$" (list trick-name)) _))]
           (define args (assoc 'args (url-query req-uri)))
           (define res (send (current-backend) call trick-name (if args (cdr args) "")))
             [(ev:run-result? res)
              (define stderr (ev:run-result-stderr res))
              (define stdout (ev:run-result-stdout res))
               `(html (head (title ,trick-name))
                      (body ,@(if stderr `((pre ,stderr)) null)
                            ,@(if (zero? (string-length stdout)) null `((pre ,stdout)))
                            ,@(for/list ([r (ev:run-result-results res)])
                                  [(image? r)
                                     ((src ,(format "data:image/png;base64,~a" (base64-encode (image-bytes r))))))]
                                   `(pre ,r)])))))]
             [(string? res)
               #:code 400
               `(html (head (title "400 Bad Request"))
                      (body ,res)))])]
          [[#"GET" _]
            #:code 404
            `(html (head (title "404 Not found"))
                   (body "404 Not found")))]))
       #:dispatch (dispatch/servlet handle-request)
       #:port port)

(define (r16-make-frontend raw-config)
  (define port (check-config exact-positive-integer? (hash-ref raw-config 'port 8080)))
  (new http-frontend
       [port port]))
diff --git a/interface.rkt b/interface.rkt
index d820a62..67a9e36 100644
--- a/interface.rkt
+++ b/interface.rkt
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@
    ;; register a trick, returning an error or success message
    [register (#;trick string? #;code string?
               #;author string? #;timestamp string?
               . ->m . string?)]
               . ->m . (cons/c (or/c 'err 'ok) string?))]

    ;; update a trick, returning an error or success message
    [update   (#;trick string? #;code string? . ->m . string?)]
    [update   (#;trick string? #;code string? . ->m . (cons/c (or/c 'err 'ok) string?))]

    ;; look up a trick by name
    [lookup   (#;trick string? . ->m . (or/c trick? #f))]

[PATCH r16 v2 2/2] Generalize backend, improve HTTP frontend UI Export this patch

 backend.rkt           |  12 +-
 frontends/discord.rkt |  23 ++-
 frontends/http.rkt    | 336 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 interface.rkt         |  14 +-
 result.rkt            |  23 +++
 5 files changed, 287 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 result.rkt

diff --git a/backend.rkt b/backend.rkt
index d7bb465..0e67637 100644
--- a/backend.rkt
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
                      #f "" "" #f))
      (ev:run code ev-ctx response?))
      (cons 'ok (ev:run code ev-ctx response?)))

    (define/public (call name args)
      (define ctx-id (current-context-id))
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
                         trick-obj name args #f))
         (define code (trick-body trick-obj))
         (ev:run code ev-ctx response?)]
         (cons 'ok (ev:run code ev-ctx response?))]
         (~a "Trick " name " doesn't exist!")]))
         (cons 'err (~a "Trick " name " doesn't exist!"))]))

    (define/public (delete name)
      (define ctx-id (current-context-id))
@@ -99,13 +99,13 @@
      (define frontend (current-frontend))
        [(not trick-obj)
         (~a "Trick " name " doesn't exist!")]
         (cons 'err (~a "Trick " name " doesn't exist!"))]
          db ctx-id name
          (lambda (t) (send frontend can-modify? t)))
         (~a "Successfully removed trick " name "!")]
         (cons 'ok (~a "Successfully removed trick " name "!"))]
         (~a "You cannot modify trick " name "!")]))
         (cons 'err (~a "You cannot modify trick " name "!"))]))

    (define/public (register name code author timestamp)
diff --git a/frontends/discord.rkt b/frontends/discord.rkt
index ad27cdd..960942f 100644
--- a/frontends/discord.rkt
+++ b/frontends/discord.rkt
@@ -394,9 +394,7 @@
             (define result
               (send (current-backend) evaluate (strip-backticks text)))
             (if (ev:run-result? result)
                 (format-run-result result)
                 (list result)))))
             (result-case format-run-result list result))))

        (define/command/trick (call-trick name body)
          " [_name_] ...:  invoke the trick [_name_], evaluating its source code in a fresh sandbox"
@@ -404,17 +402,16 @@
             (define result
               (send (current-backend) call name body))
             (if (ev:run-result? result)
                 (format-run-result result)
                 (list result)))))
             (result-case format-run-result list result))))

        (define/command/trick (register-trick name body)
          " [_name_] [_code_]:  register [_code_] as a trick with name [_name_]"
           (send (current-backend) register
                 name (strip-backticks body)
                 (message-author-id (current-message))
                 (hash-ref (current-message) 'timestamp))))
          (define result
            (send (current-backend) register
                  name (strip-backticks body)
                  (message-author-id (current-message))
                  (hash-ref (current-message) 'timestamp)))
          (list (cdr result)))

        (define/command/trick (show-trick name _body)
          " [_name_]:  show metadata and source for the trick [_name_]"
@@ -435,11 +432,11 @@

        (define/command/trick (update-trick name body)
          " [_name_] [_code_]:  change the source of the trick [_name_]; requires ownership or administrator"
          (list (send (current-backend) update name (strip-backticks body))))
          (list (cdr (send (current-backend) update name (strip-backticks body)))))

        (define/command/trick (delete-trick name _body)
          " [_name_]:  delete the trick [_name_]; requires ownership or administrator and cannot be undone!"
          (list (send (current-backend) delete name)))
          (list (cdr (send (current-backend) delete name))))

        (define/command (popular text)
          ":  show a leaderboard of popular tricks"
diff --git a/frontends/http.rkt b/frontends/http.rkt
index 5374066..74b6f11 100644
--- a/frontends/http.rkt
+++ b/frontends/http.rkt
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@
 (prefix-in ev: "../evaluator.rkt")

@@ -24,6 +25,78 @@

(struct image (bytes))

(define (simple-response code msg body)
   code msg
   (current-seconds) TEXT/HTML-MIME-TYPE
   (list body)))

(define (format-for-html str)
  (define url-regex #px"(([^:/?#]+):)(//([^/?#]*))([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?")
    ((class "content"))
    ,@(for/list ([line (in-list (string-split str "\n"))])
        (define urls (regexp-match-positions* url-regex line #:match-select car))
          ((class "block"))
              [(null? urls) (list line)]
               (define positions
                  (for/list ([url-pos (in-list urls)])
                    (list (car url-pos) (cdr url-pos)))))
               (for/list ([start (in-list `(0 ,@positions))]
                          [end (in-list `(,@positions ,(string-length line)))]
                          [is-link? (in-cycle (in-list '(#f #t)))])
                 (define v (substring line start end))
                 (if is-link?
                     `(a ((href ,v)) ,v)

(define HTML-DOCTYPE #"<!DOCTYPE html>")

(define (response/html
         #:title title
         #:navbar? [navbar? #f]
         . body)
   #:preamble HTML-DOCTYPE
   `(html (head
           (meta ((charset "utf-8")))
           (meta ((name "viewport") (content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1")))
           (title ,title)
           (link ((rel "stylesheet") (href "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bulma@0.9.3/css/bulma.min.css")))
           (link ((rel "stylesheet") (href "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons")))
            ".code-input { font-family: mono; }"
            ".toggled .togglable { display: none; }"
            ".togglable-inverse { display: none; }"
            ".toggled .togglable-inverse { display: inline; }"))
           ,@(if navbar?
                     ((class "navbar is-dark")
                      (role "navigation")
                      (aria-label "main navigation"))
                      ((class "navbar-menu"))
                       ((class "navbar-start"))
                       (a ((class "navbar-item") (href "/")) "Home")
                       (a ((class "navbar-item") (href "/tricks")) "Tricks"))
                       ((class "navbar-end"))
                       (a ((class "navbar-item") (href "https://sr.ht/~williewillus/r16")) "Source")))))
           (div ((class "container")) ,@body)
            ((class "footer"))
             ((class "container has-text-centered"))
             ,(format-for-html (send (current-backend) about))))))))

(define http-frontend
  (class* object% [r16-frontend<%>]
    (init-field port)
@@ -42,7 +115,13 @@
    (define/public (can-modify? trick)
      (equal? (trick-author trick) (current-hashed)))
    (define/public (start)
      (define (handle-request req)
      (log-r16-debug "Starting server on port ~a" port)
       #:dispatch (dispatch/servlet handle-request)
       #:port port)

    (define (handle-request req)
        (define req-uri (request-uri req))
        (define path (takef (url-path req-uri) (compose1 non-empty-string? path/param-path)))
        (match* [(request-method req) path]
@@ -62,111 +141,176 @@
                (define hashed (bytes->hex-string (sha256-bytes (bytes-append (sha256-bytes name-bytes) password))))
                (match (parameterize ([current-hashed hashed])
                         (send (current-backend) register name code hashed (number->string (current-seconds))))
                  [(cons 'ok _)
                    303 #"See Other"
                    (current-seconds) TEXT/HTML-MIME-TYPE
                    (list (make-header #"Location" (string->bytes/utf-8 (format "/tricks/~a.rkt" name))))
                    (list #"Redirecting..."))]
                  [(cons 'err msg)
                    400 #"Bad Request"
                    (current-seconds) TEXT/HTML-MIME-TYPE
                    (list (string->bytes/utf-8 msg)))])))]
                (parameterize ([current-hashed hashed])
                    [(zero? (string-length code))
                     (match (send (current-backend) delete name)
                       [(cons 'ok msg) (simple-response 200 #"OK" (string->bytes/utf-8 msg))]
                       [(cons 'err msg) (simple-response 400 #"Bad Request" (string->bytes/utf-8 msg))])]
                     (match (send (current-backend) register name code hashed (number->string (current-seconds)))
                       [(cons 'ok _)
                         303 #"See Other"
                         (current-seconds) TEXT/HTML-MIME-TYPE
                         (list (make-header #"Location" (string->bytes/utf-8 (format "/tricks/~a.rkt" name))))
                         (list #"Redirecting..."))]
                       [(cons 'err msg)
                        (simple-response 400 #"Bad Request" (string->bytes/utf-8 msg))])]))))]
             [[_ _ _]
               400 #"Bad Request"
               (current-seconds) TEXT/HTML-MIME-TYPE
               (list #"400 Bad Request"))])]
              (simple-response 400 #"Bad Request" #"400 Bad Request")])]

          [[#"GET" (list (path/param "tricks" _))]
           (define popular (send (current-backend) popular))
            `(html (head (title "Tricks"))
                   (body (div
                          (h2 "Add trick")
                           ((action "/tricks/submit")
                            (method "post")
                            (enctype "multipart/form-data"))
                           (label ((for "name")) "Name: ")
                           (input ((type "text") (id "name") (name "name")))
                           (label ((for "password")) "Password: ")
                           (input ((type "password") (id "password") (name "password")))
                            ((style "color:red;"))
                            "None of this is very secure at all, so under no circumstances should you use a password you use elsewhere.")
                           (label ((for "code")) "Code: ")
                            ((id "code")
                             (name "code")
                             (rows "5")
                             (cols "60")
                             (placeholder "Enter text")
                             (spellcheck "false")))
                           (input ((type "submit") (value "Add")))))
                          (h1 "Registered tricks")
                           ,@(for/list ([t (in-list popular)])
                               (define n (car t))
                                 " ("
                                 (a ((href ,(format "/tricks/~a.rkt" n))) "src")
                                 ") "
                                  ((action ,(format "/tricks/~a" n))
                                   (method "get")
                                   (style "display:inline;"))
                                  (input ((type "text") (name "args")))
                                  (input ((type "submit") (value "Call")))))))))))]
            #:title "Tricks"
            #:navbar? #t
              ((class "section"))
              (h1 ((class "title")) "Add trick")
               ((action "/tricks/submit")
                (method "post")
                (target "_blank")
                (enctype "multipart/form-data"))

                ((class "field is-grouped"))
                 ((class "control"))
                 (label ((class "label") (for "name")) "Trick Name")
                  ((class "control"))
                  (input ((class "input") (type "text") (id "name") (name "name")))))
                 ((class "control"))
                 (label ((class "label") (for "password")) "Password")
                  ((class "control"))
                  (input ((class "input") (type "password") (id "password") (name "password"))))))
                ((class "field"))
                (label ((class "label") (for "code")) "Code")
                 ((class "control"))
                  ((class "textarea code-input")
                   (id "code")
                   (name "code")
                   (rows "5")
                   (cols "60")
                   (placeholder "Enter code")
                   (spellcheck "false")))))
                ((class "field"))
                (input ((class "button is-success") (type "submit") (value "Add"))))))
              ((class "section"))
              (h1 ((class "title")) "Registered tricks")
              ,@(for/list ([trick-pair (in-list popular)])
                  (define name (car trick-pair))
                  (define trick-v (cdr trick-pair))
                    ((class "block"))
                     ((class "card toggled"))
                      ((class "card-header has-background-dark has-text-white")
                       (onclick "toggle(this.parentElement)")
                       (title ,(format "Invocations: ~a" (trick-invocations trick-v))))
                      (p ((class "card-header-title has-text-white")) ,name)
                       ((class "card-header-icon")
                        (aria-label "more options"))
                        ((class "material-icons togglable-inverse") (aria-hidden "true"))
                        ((class "material-icons togglable") (aria-hidden "true"))
                      ((class "card-content togglable"))
                       ((action ,(format "/tricks/~a" name))
                        (target "_blank")
                        (method "get"))
                        ((class "field"))
                        (textarea ((class "textarea code-input")
                                   (name "args")
                                   (spellcheck "false")
                                   (rows "1")
                                   (placeholder "Enter arguments"))))
                       (input ((class "button is-primary") (type "submit") (value "Call")))))
                      ((class "card-footer togglable"))
                      (a ((class "card-footer-item") (href ,(format "/tricks/~a.rkt" name)) (target "_blank")) "Source"))))))
            `(script #<<EOF
function toggle(el) {
  let toggled = el.classList.contains("toggled");
  if (toggled) {
  } else {

          [[#"GET" (list (path/param "tricks" _)
                         (path/param (pregexp "^([a-zA-Z_\\-0-9]+)\\.rkt$" (list trick-file-name trick-name)) _))]
                         (path/param (pregexp "^([a-zA-Z_\\-0-9]+)\\.rkt$" (list _ trick-name)) _))]
           (define trick-v (send (current-backend) lookup trick-name))
            `(html (head (title ,trick-file-name))
                   (body (pre ,(trick-body trick-v)))))]
            200 #"OK"
            (current-seconds) #"text/plain; charset=utf-8"
            (list (string->bytes/utf-8 (trick-body trick-v))))]

          [[#"GET" (list (path/param "tricks" _)
                         (path/param (pregexp "^[a-zA-Z_\\-0-9]+$" (list trick-name)) _))]
           (define args (assoc 'args (url-query req-uri)))
           (define res (send (current-backend) call trick-name (if args (cdr args) "")))
             [(ev:run-result? res)
           (match (send (current-backend) call trick-name (if args (cdr args) ""))
             [(cons 'ok res)
              (define stderr (ev:run-result-stderr res))
              (define stdout (ev:run-result-stdout res))
               `(html (head (title ,trick-name))
                      (body ,@(if stderr `((pre ,stderr)) null)
                            ,@(if (zero? (string-length stdout)) null `((pre ,stdout)))
                            ,@(for/list ([r (ev:run-result-results res)])
                                  [(image? r)
                                     ((src ,(format "data:image/png;base64,~a" (base64-encode (image-bytes r))))))]
                                   `(pre ,r)])))))]
             [(string? res)
               #:code 400
               `(html (head (title "400 Bad Request"))
                      (body ,res)))])]
              (define results (ev:run-result-results res))
              (match* [stderr stdout results]
                [[#f "" (list (image raw-bytes))]
                  200 #"OK"
                  (current-seconds) #"image/png"
                  (list raw-bytes))]
                [[_ _ _]
                  #:preamble HTML-DOCTYPE
                    (head (title ,trick-name))
                     ,@(if stderr `((pre ,stderr)) null)
                     ,@(if (zero? (string-length stdout)) null `((pre ,stdout)))
                     ,@(for/list ([r results])
                           [(image? r)
                              ((src ,(format "data:image/png;base64,~a" (base64-encode (image-bytes r))))))]
                            `(pre ,r)])))))])]
             [(cons 'err msg)
              (simple-response 400 #"Bad Request" (string->bytes/utf-8 msg))])]

          [[#"GET" (list)]
            #:title "r16"
            #:navbar? #t
              ((class "section"))
              (h1 ((class "title")) "Stats")
              ,(format-for-html (send (current-backend) stats))))]

          [[#"GET" _]
            #:code 404
            `(html (head (title "404 Not found"))
                   (body "404 Not found")))]))
       #:dispatch (dispatch/servlet handle-request)
       #:port port)
           (simple-response 404 #"Not Found" #"404 Not Found")]))


(define (r16-make-frontend raw-config)
diff --git a/interface.rkt b/interface.rkt
index 67a9e36..772bcea 100644
--- a/interface.rkt
+++ b/interface.rkt
@@ -3,13 +3,15 @@
 (only-in "evaluator.rkt" definitions? run-result?)

(provide r16-backend? r16-frontend?
         r16-backend<%> r16-frontend<%>
         current-backend current-frontend
         (all-from-out "result.rkt"))

;; an r16 frontend
(define r16-frontend<%>
@@ -38,21 +40,21 @@
(define r16-backend<%>
  (interface ()
    ;; evaluate a code snippet, returning either an error message or a run result
    [evaluate (#;code string? . ->m . (or/c string? run-result?))]
    [evaluate (#;code string? . ->m . (result/c run-result? string?))]

    ;; call a trick with arguments, returning either an error message or a run result
    [call     (#;trick string? #;args string? . ->m . (or/c string? run-result?))]
    [call     (#;trick string? #;args string? . ->m . (result/c run-result? string?))]

    ;; delete a trick, returning an error or success message
    [delete   (#;trick string? . ->m . string?)]
    [delete   (#;trick string? . ->m . (result/c string? string?))]

    ;; register a trick, returning an error or success message
    [register (#;trick string? #;code string?
               #;author string? #;timestamp string?
               . ->m . (cons/c (or/c 'err 'ok) string?))]
               . ->m . (result/c string? string?))]

    ;; update a trick, returning an error or success message
    [update   (#;trick string? #;code string? . ->m . (cons/c (or/c 'err 'ok) string?))]
    [update   (#;trick string? #;code string? . ->m . (result/c string? string?))]

    ;; look up a trick by name
    [lookup   (#;trick string? . ->m . (or/c trick? #f))]
diff --git a/result.rkt b/result.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f4f8d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#lang racket/base

(require racket/contract (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))

(provide result/c ok? err? result-case)

;; represents a fallible computation
;; (cons 'ok ok-value) on success
;; (cons 'err err-value) on failure
(define-syntax (result/c stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [(_ ok-ctc:expr err-ctc:expr)
     (with-syntax ([name stx])
       (syntax/loc stx
          (or/c (cons/c 'ok ok-ctc)
                (cons/c 'err err-ctc))

(define (ok? x) (eq? 'ok (car x)))
(define (err? x) (eq? 'err (car x)))
(define (result-case if-ok if-err x)
  ((if (ok? x) if-ok if-err) (cdr x)))
r16/patches/linux_buildtest.yml: SUCCESS in 1m49s

[Prototype HTTP frontend][0] v2 from [eutro][1]

[0]: https://lists.sr.ht/~williewillus/public-inbox/patches/28865
[1]: mailto:benedek.szilvasy@gmail.com

✓ #684120 SUCCESS r16/patches/linux_buildtest.yml https://builds.sr.ht/~williewillus/job/684120