The intent is to replace the emote maps in the Discord frontend with this, currently those
maps grow unbounded.
This is also needed to implement a feature request from Vazkii, see TODO #5.
utils.rkt | 135 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 133 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/utils.rkt b/utils.rkt
index 6aa0e18..fa5a457 100644
--- a/utils.rkt+++ b/utils.rkt
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
#lang racket/base
-(require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))+(require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse)+ racket/contract)-(provide thread-loop)+(provide thread-loop+ make-expiring-cache+ expiring-cache-purge+ expiring-cache-get)(define-syntax (thread-loop stx)
(syntax-parse stx
@@ -13,3 +17,130 @@
body ...
(thread loop)))]))
++(struct expiring-cache+ (timestamp-getter+ compute-value ; k -> v+ entries-lock+ entries ; hash, k -> (timestamp . v)+ ttl))++; NB: ttl and timestamp-getter can be in any units, as long as they are consistent with each other+(define/contract (make-expiring-cache timestamp-getter compute-value ttl)+ (-> (-> real?) (-> any/c any/c) real? expiring-cache?)+ (expiring-cache+ timestamp-getter+ compute-value+ (make-semaphore 1)+ (make-hash)+ ttl))++; purge stale entries from the cache, returning the list of keys purged+; Call at some regular interval.+(define/contract (expiring-cache-purge cache)+ (-> expiring-cache? list?)+ (define now ((expiring-cache-timestamp-getter cache)))+ (define (is-stale timestamp)+ (> (- now timestamp)+ (expiring-cache-ttl cache)))+ (call-with-semaphore+ (expiring-cache-entries-lock cache)+ (lambda ()+ (define entries (expiring-cache-entries cache))+ (define keys-to-remove+ (for/fold ([acc null])+ ([(key timestamp-value) (in-hash entries)]+ #:when (is-stale (car timestamp-value)))+ (cons key acc)))+ (for ([key (in-list keys-to-remove)])+ (hash-remove! entries key))+ keys-to-remove)))++;; get the cached entry for k, computing it if not present.+;; if k is already in cache, its expiration timer is refreshed.+(define/contract (expiring-cache-get cache k)+ (-> expiring-cache? any/c any/c)+ (call-with-semaphore+ (expiring-cache-entries-lock cache)+ (lambda ()+ (define entries (expiring-cache-entries cache))+ (if (hash-has-key? entries k)+ ;; bump the ttl+ (let ()+ (hash-update! entries k+ (lambda (old)+ (define now ((expiring-cache-timestamp-getter cache)))+ (cons now (cdr old))))+ (cdr (hash-ref entries k)))+ ;; compute the value+ (let* ([value ((expiring-cache-compute-value cache) k)]+ ;; compute timestamp after the value since computing the value could+ ;; take a long time (network IO, etc.)+ [now ((expiring-cache-timestamp-getter cache))])+ (hash-set! entries k (cons now value))+ value)))))++(module+ test+ (require rackunit)+ (test-case "Smoke Test"+ (define ttl 5)+ (define fake-current-timestamp (box 0))+ (define times-compute-value-called (box 0))+ (define (compute-value k)+ (set-box! times-compute-value-called (add1 (unbox times-compute-value-called)))+ (add1 k))++ (define cache (make-expiring-cache+ (lambda () (unbox fake-current-timestamp))+ compute-value+ ttl))+ ;; technically we're accessing this without taking the lock,+ ;; but the test is single threaded so whatever.+ (define entries (expiring-cache-entries cache))++ (check-eqv? 1 (expiring-cache-get cache 0))+ (check-eqv? 1 (unbox times-compute-value-called))++ (set-box! fake-current-timestamp 1)+ (check-eqv? 2 (expiring-cache-get cache 1))+ (check-eqv? 2 (unbox times-compute-value-called))++ (check-true (hash-has-key? entries 0) "Key 0 should still be cached")++ (set-box! fake-current-timestamp (+ ttl (unbox fake-current-timestamp)))+ (check-equal? '(0) (expiring-cache-purge cache) "Key 0 should be purged")++ (check-true (hash-has-key? entries 1) "Key 1 should still be cached")++ (set-box! fake-current-timestamp (add1 (unbox fake-current-timestamp)))+ (check-equal? '(1) (expiring-cache-purge cache) "Key 1 should be purged"))++ (test-case "Expiration timer refresh"+ (define ttl 5)+ (define fake-current-timestamp (box 0))+ (define times-compute-value-called (box 0))+ (define (compute-value k)+ (set-box! times-compute-value-called (add1 (unbox times-compute-value-called)))+ (add1 k))++ (define cache (make-expiring-cache+ (lambda () (unbox fake-current-timestamp))+ compute-value+ ttl))++ ;; Fetch key 0 and populate the cache+ (check-eqv? 1 (expiring-cache-get cache 0))+ (check-eqv? 1 (unbox times-compute-value-called))++ ;; Advance one time unit and fetch it again, this should hit in cache, but update the ttl+ (set-box! fake-current-timestamp (add1 (unbox fake-current-timestamp)))+ (check-eqv? 1 (expiring-cache-get cache 0))+ (check-eqv? 1 (unbox times-compute-value-called) "Should have hit in cache")++ ;; Advance to when key *would have* been purged if we hadn't touched it a second time+ (set-box! fake-current-timestamp (+ ttl (unbox fake-current-timestamp)))+ (check-equal? null (expiring-cache-purge cache) "We touched Key 0 at a later time, so it shouldn't be purged yet")++ ;; Advance one last time unit and this time should be purged+ (set-box! fake-current-timestamp (add1 (unbox fake-current-timestamp)))+ (check-equal? '(0) (expiring-cache-purge cache) "Should be purged")))
[PATCH r16 2/2] Move emote image bytes map to expiring-cache
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