
r16: Introduce an expiring cache utility v1 APPLIED

Vincent Lee: 2
 Introduce an expiring cache utility
 Move emote image bytes map to expiring-cache

 2 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
#714040 linux_buildtest.yml success
r16/patches/linux_buildtest.yml: SUCCESS in 1m57s

[Introduce an expiring cache utility][0] from [Vincent Lee][1]

[0]: https://lists.sr.ht/~williewillus/public-inbox/patches/30203
[1]: mailto:vincent@vincent-lee.net

✓ #714040 SUCCESS r16/patches/linux_buildtest.yml https://builds.sr.ht/~williewillus/job/714040
Eutro ok-ed on Discord, committing.
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[PATCH r16 1/2] Introduce an expiring cache utility Export this patch

The intent is to replace the emote maps in the Discord frontend with this, currently those
maps grow unbounded.

This is also needed to implement a feature request from Vazkii, see TODO #5.
 utils.rkt | 135 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 133 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/utils.rkt b/utils.rkt
index 6aa0e18..fa5a457 100644
--- a/utils.rkt
+++ b/utils.rkt
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
#lang racket/base

(require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
(require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse)

(provide thread-loop)
(provide thread-loop

(define-syntax (thread-loop stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
@@ -13,3 +17,130 @@
           body ...
         (thread loop)))]))

(struct expiring-cache
   compute-value ; k -> v
   entries ; hash, k -> (timestamp . v)

; NB: ttl and timestamp-getter can be in any units, as long as they are consistent with each other
(define/contract (make-expiring-cache timestamp-getter compute-value ttl)
  (-> (-> real?) (-> any/c any/c) real? expiring-cache?)
   (make-semaphore 1)

; purge stale entries from the cache, returning the list of keys purged
; Call at some regular interval.
(define/contract (expiring-cache-purge cache)
  (-> expiring-cache? list?)
  (define now ((expiring-cache-timestamp-getter cache)))
  (define (is-stale timestamp)
    (> (- now timestamp)
       (expiring-cache-ttl cache)))
   (expiring-cache-entries-lock cache)
   (lambda ()
     (define entries (expiring-cache-entries cache))
     (define keys-to-remove
       (for/fold ([acc null])
                 ([(key timestamp-value) (in-hash entries)]
                  #:when (is-stale (car timestamp-value)))
         (cons key acc)))
     (for ([key (in-list keys-to-remove)])
       (hash-remove! entries key))

;; get the cached entry for k, computing it if not present.
;; if k is already in cache, its expiration timer is refreshed.
(define/contract (expiring-cache-get cache k)
  (-> expiring-cache? any/c any/c)
   (expiring-cache-entries-lock cache)
   (lambda ()
     (define entries (expiring-cache-entries cache))
     (if (hash-has-key? entries k)
         ;; bump the ttl
         (let ()
           (hash-update! entries k
                         (lambda (old)
                           (define now ((expiring-cache-timestamp-getter cache)))
                           (cons now (cdr old))))
           (cdr (hash-ref entries k)))
         ;; compute the value
         (let* ([value ((expiring-cache-compute-value cache) k)]
                ;; compute timestamp after the value since computing the value could
                ;; take a long time (network IO, etc.)
                [now ((expiring-cache-timestamp-getter cache))])
           (hash-set! entries k (cons now value))

(module+ test
  (require rackunit)
  (test-case "Smoke Test"
    (define ttl 5)
    (define fake-current-timestamp (box 0))
    (define times-compute-value-called (box 0))
    (define (compute-value k)
      (set-box! times-compute-value-called (add1 (unbox times-compute-value-called)))
      (add1 k))

    (define cache (make-expiring-cache
                   (lambda () (unbox fake-current-timestamp))
    ;; technically we're accessing this without taking the lock,
    ;; but the test is single threaded so whatever.
    (define entries (expiring-cache-entries cache))

    (check-eqv? 1 (expiring-cache-get cache 0))
    (check-eqv? 1 (unbox times-compute-value-called))

    (set-box! fake-current-timestamp 1)
    (check-eqv? 2 (expiring-cache-get cache 1))
    (check-eqv? 2 (unbox times-compute-value-called))

    (check-true (hash-has-key? entries 0) "Key 0 should still be cached")

    (set-box! fake-current-timestamp (+ ttl (unbox fake-current-timestamp)))
    (check-equal? '(0) (expiring-cache-purge cache) "Key 0 should be purged")

    (check-true (hash-has-key? entries 1) "Key 1 should still be cached")

    (set-box! fake-current-timestamp (add1 (unbox fake-current-timestamp)))
    (check-equal? '(1) (expiring-cache-purge cache) "Key 1 should be purged"))

  (test-case "Expiration timer refresh"
    (define ttl 5)
    (define fake-current-timestamp (box 0))
    (define times-compute-value-called (box 0))
    (define (compute-value k)
      (set-box! times-compute-value-called (add1 (unbox times-compute-value-called)))
      (add1 k))

    (define cache (make-expiring-cache
                   (lambda () (unbox fake-current-timestamp))

    ;; Fetch key 0 and populate the cache
    (check-eqv? 1 (expiring-cache-get cache 0))
    (check-eqv? 1 (unbox times-compute-value-called))

    ;; Advance one time unit and fetch it again, this should hit in cache, but update the ttl
    (set-box! fake-current-timestamp (add1 (unbox fake-current-timestamp)))
    (check-eqv? 1 (expiring-cache-get cache 0))
    (check-eqv? 1 (unbox times-compute-value-called) "Should have hit in cache")

    ;; Advance to when key *would have* been purged if we hadn't touched it a second time
    (set-box! fake-current-timestamp (+ ttl (unbox fake-current-timestamp)))
    (check-equal? null (expiring-cache-purge cache) "We touched Key 0 at a later time, so it shouldn't be purged yet")

    ;; Advance one last time unit and this time should be purged
    (set-box! fake-current-timestamp (add1 (unbox fake-current-timestamp)))
    (check-equal? '(0) (expiring-cache-purge cache) "Should be purged")))

[PATCH r16 2/2] Move emote image bytes map to expiring-cache Export this patch

 frontends/discord.rkt | 26 ++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/frontends/discord.rkt b/frontends/discord.rkt
index 6e50313..a55d779 100644
--- a/frontends/discord.rkt
+++ b/frontends/discord.rkt
@@ -155,8 +155,16 @@
    ; set of emote ids known by the bot
    (define known-emotes (mutable-set))

    ; emote id -> bytes
    (define emote-image-cache (make-hash))
    (define emote-image-cache
       (* 10 60 1000))) ;; 10 min as ms
     (sleep 30)
     (define purged (length (expiring-cache-purge emote-image-cache)))
     (when (> purged 0)
       (log-r16-debug "Purged ~a emote image bytestrings" purged)))

    (define/public (get-enrich-context)
      (define deleted-box (current-deleted-box))
@@ -169,16 +177,10 @@

      (define/contract (emote-image id)
        (-> string? (or/c bytes? #f))
          ; Is this an emote that this bot has encountered?
          ; If not, don't bother requesting it and just return #f
          (and (set-member? known-emotes id)
               (let ([data (get-emote-image id)])
                 (and (positive? (bytes-length data))
        (and (set-member? known-emotes id)
             (let ([data (expiring-cache-get emote-image-cache id)])
               (and (positive? (bytes-length data))

      (define/contract (make-attachment data name type)
        (-> bytes? (or/c string? bytes?) (or/c symbol? string? bytes?) http:attachment?)
r16/patches/linux_buildtest.yml: SUCCESS in 1m57s

[Introduce an expiring cache utility][0] from [Vincent Lee][1]

[0]: https://lists.sr.ht/~williewillus/public-inbox/patches/30203
[1]: mailto:vincent@vincent-lee.net

✓ #714040 SUCCESS r16/patches/linux_buildtest.yml https://builds.sr.ht/~williewillus/job/714040
Eutro ok-ed on Discord, committing.