
botania: Mention semi-disposabilility in elementium pick entry v1 APPLIED

Adarsh: 1
 Mention semi-disposabilility in elementium pick entry

 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
#1088839 linux.yml success
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[PATCH botania] Mention semi-disposabilility in elementium pick entry Export this patch

Only way to know this is a feature is by doing it accidentally or looking at the code, thought it'd be worth mentioning so players are at least aware that some blocks can be retrieved
 Xplat/src/main/resources/assets/botania/lang/en_us.json | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Xplat/src/main/resources/assets/botania/lang/en_us.json b/Xplat/src/main/resources/assets/botania/lang/en_us.json
index ff274fdea..e4694f109 100644
--- a/Xplat/src/main/resources/assets/botania/lang/en_us.json
+++ b/Xplat/src/main/resources/assets/botania/lang/en_us.json
@@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@
  "botania.tagline.elfGear": "Manasteel equivalent gear with special properties",
  "botania.page.elfGear0": "Similarly to other metals, $(l:alfhomancy/elf_resources)$(item)Elementium$(0)$(/l) can be shaped into tools and armor.$(p)The respective armor components each have decent damage resistances (about half that of diamond armor), as well as the ability to drain $(thing)Mana$(0) to heal damage.",
  "botania.page.elfGear1": "Each piece of armor will, when its bearer is harmed, have a chance to spawn a $(thing)Pixie$(0) to fly after the aggressor, dealing some decent damage.$(p)The more pieces of $(item)Elementium Armor$(0) equipped, the higher the chance becomes. Additionally, each of the tools in the set comes with its own unique ability.",
  "botania.page.elfGear2": "First, the $(item)Elementium Pickaxe$(0) will clear away $(item)Cobblestone$(0), $(item)Dirt$(0), $(item)Netherrack$(0), and other common materials, leaving behind only ores and fine resources.$(p)Combining the $(item)Elementium Pickaxe$(0) with a $(l:tools/terra_pick)$(item)Terra Shatterer$(0)$(/l) in a crafting square allows for the latter to take on the former's power. This can't be undone.",
  "botania.page.elfGear2": "First, the $(item)Elementium Pickaxe$(0) will clear away $(item)Cobblestone$(0), $(item)Dirt$(0), $(item)Netherrack$(0), and other common materials, leaving behind only ores and fine resources. Certain blocks are considered $(o)semi-disposable$(), meaning they won't be voided when broken while sneaking. $(p)Combining the $(item)Elementium Pickaxe$(0) with a $(l:tools/terra_pick)$(item)Terra Shatterer$(0)$(/l) in a crafting square allows for the latter to take on the former's power. This can't be undone.",
  "botania.page.elfGear3": "The $(item)Elementium Pickaxe$(0)",
  "botania.page.elfGear4": "The $(item)Elementium Shovel$(0) will, if the block broken is affected by gravity ($(item)Gravel$(0), $(item)Sand$(0), etc), also destroy all blocks of that material above/below it. No more gravel falling while mining!",
  "botania.page.elfGear5": "The $(item)Elementium Shovel$(0)",
botania/patches/linux.yml: SUCCESS in 18m6s

[Mention semi-disposabilility in elementium pick entry][0] from [Adarsh][1]

[0]: https://lists.sr.ht/~williewillus/violet-moon/patches/46428
[1]: mailto:actuallyadarsh@gmail.com

✓ #1088839 SUCCESS botania/patches/linux.yml https://builds.sr.ht/~williewillus/job/1088839