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[PATCH] Add assert-ok helper for linting tests.

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Patch: +76 -78
Also factor out FAITH_TEST flag so you can use it to run an entire
module, not just individual tests.
 Makefile      |   2 +
 test/init.fnl |  11 ++--
 test/lint.fnl | 141 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 3 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 87a539e..6f0a3a4 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ count:
install: $(EXE)
	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) && cp $< $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/

# to run one module: make test FAITH_TEST=test.lint
# to run one test: make test FAITH_TEST="test.lint test-unset-var"
test: $(EXE)
	TESTING=1 $(FENNEL) $(FENNELFLAGS) test/init.fnl

diff --git a/test/init.fnl b/test/init.fnl
index f0267c1..ac90da5 100644
--- a/test/init.fnl
+++ b/test/init.fnl
@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
(set debug.getinfo (or fennel.getinfo debug.getinfo))
(set debug.traceback (or fennel.traceback debug.traceback))

(case (os.getenv "FAITH_TEST")
  target (let [(module function) (target:match "([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)")]
           (tset package.loaded module {function (. (require module) function)})
           (faith.run [module]))
(case (string.match (or (os.getenv "FAITH_TEST") "")
                    "([^ ]+) ?([^ ]*)")
  (module "") (faith.run [module])
  (module function) (do
                      (tset package.loaded module
                            {function (. (require module) function)})
                      (faith.run [module]))
  _ (faith.run
diff --git a/test/lint.fnl b/test/lint.fnl
index f627a13..df41437 100644
--- a/test/lint.fnl
+++ b/test/lint.fnl
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
                       (= e.range.end.character   d.range.end.character))))

(fn check [file-contents expected unexpected]
(fn check [file-contents expected ?unexpected]
  (let [{: diagnostics} (create-client file-contents)]
    (each [_ e (ipairs unexpected)]
    (each [_ e (ipairs (or ?unexpected []))]
      (let [i (find diagnostics e)]
        (faith.= nil i (.. "Lint matching " (view e) "\n"
                           "from:    " (view file-contents) "\n"
@@ -36,52 +36,51 @@
                                           :escape-newlines? true})))
        (table.remove diagnostics i)))))

(fn assert-ok [file-contents]
  (let [{: diagnostics} (create-client file-contents)]
    (faith.= nil (next diagnostics) (view diagnostics))))

(fn test-unused []
  (check "(local x 10)"
         [{:message "unused definition: x"
           :code 301
           :range {:start {:character 7 :line 0}
                   :end   {:character 8 :line 0}}}] [])
                   :end   {:character 8 :line 0}}}])
  (check "(fn x [])"
         [{:message "unused definition: x"
           :code 301
           :range {:start {:character 4 :line 0}
                   :end   {:character 5 :line 0}}}] [])
                   :end   {:character 5 :line 0}}}])
  (check "(let [(x y) (values 1 2)] x)"
         [{:code 301
           :range {:start {:character 9  :line 0}
                   :end   {:character 10 :line 0}}}] [])
                   :end   {:character 10 :line 0}}}])
  ;; setting a var without reading
  (check "(var x 1) (set x 2) (set [x] [3])"
          [{:code 301
            :range {:start {:character 5 :line 0}
                    :end   {:character 6 :line 0}}}] [])
                    :end   {:character 6 :line 0}}}])
  ;; setting a field without reading is okay
  (check "(fn [a b] (set a.x 10) (fn b.f []))" [] [{}])
  (check "(case {:b 1} (where (or {:a x} {:b x})) x)" [] [{}])
  (assert-ok "(fn [a b] (set a.x 10) (fn b.f []))")
  (assert-ok "(case {:b 1} (where (or {:a x} {:b x})) x)")

  (check "(fn foo [a] nil) (foo)" [{:message "unused definition: a"}] [])
  (check "(λ foo [a] nil) (foo)" [{:message "unused definition: a"}] [])
  (check "(lambda foo [a] nil) (foo)" [{:message "unused definition: a"}] [])
  (check "(fn foo [a] nil) (foo)" [{:message "unused definition: a"}])
  (check "(λ foo [a] nil) (foo)" [{:message "unused definition: a"}])
  (check "(lambda foo [a] nil) (foo)" [{:message "unused definition: a"}])


(fn test-ampersand []
  (check "(let [[x & y] [1 2 3]]
            (print x (. y 1) (. y 2)))"
         [] [{:message "unused definition: &"} {}])
  (check "(let [{1 x & y} [1 2 3]]
            (print x (. y 2) (. y 3)))"
         [] [{:message "unused definition: &"} {}])
  (check "(let [[x &as y] [1 2 3]]
            (print x (. y 2) (. y 3)))"
         [] [{:message "unused definition: &as"} {}])
  (check "(let [{1 x &as y} [1 2 3]]
            (print x (. y 2) (. y 3)))"
         [] [{:message "unused definition: &as"} {}])
  (check "(fn [x & more]
            (print x more))"
         [] [{:message "unused definition: &"} {}])
  (assert-ok "(let [[x & y] [1 2 3]]
                (print x (. y 1) (. y 2)))")
  (assert-ok "(let [{1 x & y} [1 2 3]]
                (print x (. y 2) (. y 3)))")
  (assert-ok "(let [[x &as y] [1 2 3]]
                (print x (. y 2) (. y 3)))")
  (assert-ok "(let [{1 x &as y} [1 2 3]]
                (print x (. y 2) (. y 3)))")
  (assert-ok "(fn [x & more]
                (print x more))")

(fn test-unknown-module-field []
@@ -120,45 +119,39 @@
         [{:message "unnecessary : call: use (x:find)"
           :code 303
           :range {:start {:character 15 :line 0}
                   :end   {:character 29 :line 0}}}] [])
                   :end   {:character 29 :line 0}}}])

  ;; no warning from macros
  (check "(let [x :haha y :find] (-> x (: y :a))
          (let [x :haha] (-> x (: :find :a))"
         [] [{:code 303}])
  (assert-ok "(let [x :haha y :find] (-> x (: y :a))
                (let [x :haha] (-> x (: :find :a))))")

  ;; no warning when its an expression, or when string has spaces
  (check "(let [x :haha]
            (: x \"bar baz\") (: x 1) (: x x))"
         [] [{:code 303}])
  (assert-ok "(let [x :haha]
                (: x \"bar baz\") (: x 1) (: x x))")

(fn test-unpack-into-op []
  (check "(+ (unpack [1 2 3]))"
         [{:code 304}] [])
         [{:code 304}])

  (check "(.. (table.unpack [\"hello\" \"world\"]))"
         [{:code 304 :message #($:find "table.concat")}] [])
         [{:code 304 :message #($:find "table.concat")}])

  (check "(* (table.unpack [\"hello\" \"world\"]))"
         [{:code 304 :message #(not ($:find "table%.concat"))}]
         [{:code 304 :message #($:find "table.concat")}])
         [{:code 304 :message #(not ($:find "table%.concat"))}])

  ;; only when lexical
  (check "(-> [1 2 3] unpack +)"
         [] [{:code 304}])
  (assert-ok "(-> [1 2 3] table.unpack +)")

(fn test-unset-var []
  (check "(var x nil) (print x)"
         [{:code 305
           :range {:start {:character 5 :line 0}
                   :end   {:character 6 :line 0}}}] [])
                   :end   {:character 6 :line 0}}}])

  (check "(var x 1) (set x 2) (print x)"
         [] [{}])
  (check "(local x 10) (?. x)"
         [] [{:code 305}])
  (assert-ok "(var x 1) (set x 2) (print x)")
  (assert-ok "(local x 10) (?. x)")

;; missing test for 306
@@ -167,85 +160,84 @@
  (check "(+ 1 2 3 (values 4 5) 6)"
         [{:code 307
           :range {:start {:line 0 :character 9}
                   :end   {:line 0 :character 21}}}]
                   :end   {:line 0 :character 21}}}])

  ;; not in a statement, should be covered by another lint
  (check "(let [x 10] (values 4 5) x)"
         [] [{:code 307}])
  (check "(do (values 4 5) (_G.unpack 6 7) (table.unpack 8 9) 10)"
         [] [{:code 307}])
  (assert-ok "(let [x 10] (values 4 5) x)")
  (assert-ok "(do (values 4 5) (_G.unpack 6 7) (table.unpack 8 9) 10)")

(fn test-unnecessary-tset []
  ;; valid, if you're targeting older Fennels
  (check "(local [tbl key] [{} :k]) (tset tbl key 249)" [] [{}])
  (assert-ok "(local [tbl key] [{} :k]) (tset tbl key 249)")
  ;; never a good use of tset
  (check "(local tbl {}) (tset tbl :key 9)"
         [{:code 309
           :codeDescription "unnecessary-tset"
           :message "unnecessary tset"
           :range {:start {:character 15 :line 0}
                   :end {:character 32 :line 0}}}] []))
                   :end {:character 32 :line 0}}}])

(fn test-unnecessary-do []
  ;; multi-arg do
  (check "(do (print :x) 11)" [] [{}])
  (assert-ok "(do (print :x) 11)")
  ;; unnecessary do
  (check "(do 9)" [{:message "unnecessary do"
                    :code 310
                    :codeDescription "unnecessary-do-values"
                    :range {:start {:character 0 :line 0}
                            :end {:character 6 :line 0}}}] [])
                            :end {:character 6 :line 0}}}])
  ;; unnecessary values
  (check "(print :hey (values :lol))"
         [{:code 310
           :codeDescription "unnecessary-do-values"
           :message "unnecessary values"
           :range {:start {:character 12 :line 0}
                   :end {:character 25 :line 0}}}]
                   :end {:character 25 :line 0}}}])

(fn test-redundant-do []
  ;; good do
  (check "(case 134 x (do (print :x x) 11))" [] [{}])
  (assert-ok "(case 134 x (do (print :x x) 11))")
  ;; unnecessary one
  (set _G.dbg true)
  (check "(let [x 29] (do (print 9) x))"
         [{:code 311
           :codeDescription "redundant-do"
           :message "redundant do"
           :range {:start {:character 12 :line 0}
                   :end {:character 28 :line 0}}}] []))
                   :end {:character 28 :line 0}}}])

(fn test-match-should-case []
  ;; OK: most basic pinning
  (check "(let [x 99] (match 99 x :yep!))" [] [{}])
  ;; most basic pinning
  (assert-ok "(let [x 99] (match 99 x :yep!))")
  ;; pinning inside where clause
  (check "(let [x 99]
            (match 98
              y (print y)
              (where x (= 0 (math.fmod x 2))) (print x)))" [] [{}])
  ;; OK: nested pinning
  (check "(let [x 99]
  (assert-ok "(let [x 99]
                (match 98
                  y (print y)
                  (where x (= 0 (math.fmod x 2))) (print x)))")
  ;; nested pinning
  (assert-ok "(let [x 99]
            (match [{:x 32}]
              [{: x}] (print x)))" [] [{}])
  ;; OK: values pattern
  (check "(let [x 99]
            (match 49
              (x _ 9) (print :values-ref)))" [] [{}])
  ;; values pattern
  (assert-ok "(let [x 99]
                (match 49
                  (x _ 9) (print :values-ref)))")
  ;; warn: basic no pinning
  (check "(match 91 z (print :yeah2 z))"
         [{:message "no pinned patterns; use case instead of match"
           :code 308
           :range {:start {:character 1 :line 0}
                   :end {:character 6 :line 0}}}] [])
                   :end {:character 6 :line 0}}}])
  ;; warn: nested no pinning
  (check "(match [32] [lol] (print :nested-no-pin lol))"
         [{:message "no pinned patterns; use case instead of match"
           :code 308
           :range {:start {:character 1 :line 0}
                   :end {:character 6 :line 0}}}] []))
                   :end {:character 6 :line 0}}}])

;; TODO lints:
;; duplicate keys in kv table
@@ -269,4 +261,5 @@
 : test-unset-var
 : test-match-should-case
 : test-unpack-into-op
 : test-unpack-in-middle}
 : test-unpack-in-middle
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