From Stefen Wakefield to ~samhsmith/astraos-discuss
No worries at all, and you aren't alone 😉 sorry to bug Dec 12, 2021 2:13:18 PM Sam H Smith <>: > Yea I'm aware of it. If I recall correctly it was a minor name clash compared to some other names I considered. Putin doesn't market Astra Linux very heavily. > > Feel free to throw some other names my way. You never know, there might be a rebranding some day. > > (Sorry about the double (now triple :( ) email xstefen, still getting the hang of mailing lists)
From Stefen Wakefield to ~samhsmith/astraos-discuss
You are aware that there has long existed Putin's very own Astra Linux, right? I know the names aren't 100% identical but, yeah... just making sure you were aware to avoid potential confusion ;) Cheers, xstefen